Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Here we go again!

Well, so much for keeping my blog up to date.  It has been 6 months since I have posted anything.  The last thing I wrote about was wearing a scrunchie to a playdate or something.  I'm happy to see they have added spell check since I last blogged.  You will notice a new Blog name and Design.  I'm like Oprah.  I go away for a few months and come back with a bang! 

There has been A LOT of activity in our household.  Most has been good, others just growing pains of a family. 

Where to begin...

We had an amazing summer.  I did a ton of fun things with the boys.  Some highlights: went swimming (a lot), Owen took swimming lessons (and did great) at Little Fishes,  Owen went to the circus and to see a Pirate show, went to a carnival, hmmm...I meant to keep a diary of what the kids did all summer and that lasted until day 2.  So, now I can't remember.  I just know we had FUN. 

Overall Owen update.  He is doing so good.  He is a little stinker, but is really becoming his own person.  We had an apt just a few weeks ago with his DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctor and she was really impressed with him.  He is in his 2nd year of special education pre-school at Wren Hallow and seems to be really happy.  We had some concerns about putting him back in special-ed, we didn't think he belonged there, but he is flourishing and happy when he comes home.  So we are putting our own ideals aside, for now, and going with it.  Owen LOVES to swim and even puts his head under the water when taking a bath to practice his bubbles.  He could stay in the pool for hours (which one Saturday he actually did stay in the pool for 6 hours!).  Owen's 4th birthday was Aug 15th.  We celebrated with a small picnic with a Toy Story theme.  He started USA gymnastics a couple of weeks ago.  This is a really strict gym class for young kids.  Owen seems to really like gymnastics (Little Gym anyway) so we wanted to step it up a notch to see if he could handle more of a challenge.  We'll see how it goes.  He seems to like it so far. 

Levi update.  Little Levi has a temper, you do not want to get him mad.  But, he is also the sweetest,cutest freaking baby!!  Man, he is a lover.  He wants to hug and kiss all day long.  Just as long as he gets to eat 11 out of 12 hours of the day, he is happy.  (He walks around all day long saying "eat eat eat, I eat eat eat".  And...he really does want to eat!!).  I started writing down his words to make sure he was on track with language, but he says so much that I quit doing it.  We are pretty sure he is good to go with communicating :)

I launched The Toddler Logger in April.  This has been a really exciting venture.  Things have been slow recently, but I haven't had much time to dedicate to it.  I had a minor setback with being rejected by a magazine that had previously planned to run a feature of my product.  That one hurt, but its just business not personal right?  ( I think that saying is B.S.). 

Still working Part-Time, which I totally keeps me sane and makes me appreciate my days that much more with the boys.  Barclay and I no longer live together....  JUST KIDDING!  Just wanted to see if anyone was still reading :-)

Thats enough for now.  Sorry, I know this one was pretty bland, but gotta set a baseline...let you know that I didn't run off, leave my family, become a lesbian and dye my hair purple or something.  Although......

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