Sunday, December 20, 2009

So much to do, so little time to do it

I absolutely love this time of year.  But, somehow, even though I know exactly when Christmas is going to occur, it seems to sneek up on me.  It is only 4 days away, and I haven't taken Owen to see Santa yet.  Oh, we tried, but the line at the place we went was ridiculous.  And, I told Owen that we have to find Santa so he can tell him what he wants.  So, therein I created my own problem.  I could have told him that we just needed to write a letter.  But nooooo....I said he has to sit on him lap and tell him.  I will get him there somehow, I will not however be the crazy parent at the mall waiting hours for 2 minutes of laptime and paying $30 for a photo package.  Did I ever tell you the story of how I made Santa's elf cry 2 years ago?  Hmmm...lets save that for another time...not my proudest parenting moment. 

Last Friday, Dec 11th, we had, hopefully the first of many, Christmas party at our house.  We had a great turnout and I believe everyone had a wonderful time.  If alcohol consumption is any indication of fun, then it was the party of the year!  Our huge recycle bin was overflowing with bottles of vodka, tequilla, we emptied the Keg!  Everyone was responsible though.  There were designated drivers and some even stayed the night.  That is a very important piece of a great party.  Again, Grandma and Grandpa rocked by keeping the boys for the weekend.  Barclay and I didn't wake until Noon on Saturday!!!  We both didn't feel so hot (surprise) and took it easy all day.  We went out to dinner and to the movies...went to see 2012...please oh please don't waste your money.  If the human race is left to John Cusak we are all in deep trouble.  Sunday was a great day.  I seriously layed on the couch and watched FIVE, yes 5, cheesy christmas movies.  Oh, I  wrapped a few gifts, but that was it.  How lucky am I???

Okay, I'm jealous of myself right now.  I wish it was LAST Sunday :)  I'm trying to get this post done before the boys wake up from their nap because its game on after that.  Levi is into everything now, and such a mama's boy.  I cannot put him down, and forget about leaving his sight even for a second.  He wants to right next to Owen too, and Owen only tolerates him for a few minutes and then pushes him...then Owen gets in trouble and everyone is crying.  In other words, its mass chaos these days around here. 

I want to update everyone on Owen's recent appt at Cardinal Glennon.  I'll give a full report later, but they diagnosed him as still on the Autism Spectrum "but barely".  So, he is right on the cusp.  Which is good, he is improving.  We will take him back in one year.  Okay, I have go!!!! 

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