Sunday, November 29, 2009

A birthday surprise!

This is my feeble attempt to write about the magic and joy of the past 24 hours. I wish I had even an ounce of writing talent, so that I could portray, even a tiny bit, what an incredible gift my husband gave me.

Lets start on Friday. Hubby graciously agreed to get up the wee hours of the morning to do some black Friday shopping together. The weather was crisp and cool. We made a stop at the gas station to grab a cup off coffee and off we went to Sams Club. It was basically empty, and we enjoyed some pretty stress free shopping. Then we made a stop at Burlington Coat Factory, then Target, then Lowes. Really, it doesn't sound exciting, but it was so much fun. I know for the most part he was just going with the flow, except for Sams Club and Lowes. But, he never acted bored with the shopping...though he probably would have much rather been sleeping or watching football. Then, we get home and he put up outside Christmas lights, again my suggestion :). Okay, I'm guessing by this point, you the reader are bored to tears. What I am trying to get across is that my hubby gave me the best birthday present ever...we did everything I wanted to do and he never complained! hahaha.

Okay, we'll fast forward to Saturday, 3 pm. I am sitting minding my own business on the couch (yes grandma...I was actually sitting down and relaxing!) and there is a knock on the door. I go to answer and my good friends Cindy and Aimee are standing there! They say "Surprise, we are here to take you out~!". It didn't register for a long time. I looked like absolute hell and I just couldn't get what they meant. Hubby had to break it down for me. He had planned a birthday surprise which included him driving me and my friends around for a night out on the town and then spending the night in a hotel room! I packed my bags, still in absolute shock, and Barclay drove us downtown. We checked into the hotel, and I finally got into gear and got my party face on. We went for a drink in the hotel bar, then to The King and I for dinner. Then, to The Old Rockhouse to watch an awesome 80's band and dance the night away. I don't think I stopped smiling all night. I felt so loved!~ I refused the shot he bought for all of us, and I think my poor tore up belly at least thanks me for that. It seems so surreal.

I am so thankful for my hubby and Aimee and Cindy, and Grandma/Grandpa who watched the boys so this could all happen. Thank you really doesn't even cut it. You gave me a wonderful memory.

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