Saturday, November 7, 2009

Good morning mister-cranky-pants

Poor Levi, he was just being a happy go lucky 12 month old, then momma took him for his well baby checkup and bam!  He ends up with a runny nose and bad cough...I guess that is to be expected, the doc office is full of germs from sick kids.  Our practice has seperate sick vs well waiting rooms, but they should separate the exam rooms too.  As Levi was crawling all over the floor and putting everything he could find in his mouth, I knew this would happen.  Everything during the apt went well.  He is 30 inches, 24lbs, in the 75% for both height and weight.  He has 6 "words" (dada, papa, bruder (brother), baba (bottle), ba (bath, we know this is bath cause he will point to the tub and say it), baby.  He sometimes says mama but not too much).  The doc didn't give me any grief about not vaccinating, which I was very pleasantly surprise about (we follow the generation rescue protocol  Overall, a good visit. 

Some exciting news....Levi took his first step today! 

Oh, I have to go...Owen and daddy home from Little Gym and it sounds like Owen is throwing a fit....

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