Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Levi!

Oh, my sweet, precious little boy...I cannot believe you are 1 year old!  You are exactly 1 year 1 hour old as I type this.  I can remember every single second of your birth date.  I woke up thinking I had peed my pants, only to finally realize my water broke!  It was a beautiful sunny day as we drove to the hospital.  (the exact opposite of this nasty, rainy, cold weather we have now).  Everything went very quickly once we got to the hospital.  We checked in, and a wonderful nurse took us to our own beautiful, PRIVATE room.  We got to the hospital around 10 am and by 12:30 I was holding you in my arms!!!  It was such a wonderful experience.  You came out and started crying immediately, and I instantly fell in love with you.  You weighed in at a very large 9lbs 4 oz.  (I thought about going the VBAC route but doc said your shoulders wouldn't have fit through me anyway :) ).  We had such a good experience at the hospital, and as well once we got home.  I learned my lesson the first time around with Owen that help was a good thing, and Grandma stayed to help.  I still got a little anxious at times (as I will probably always do) but this first year with you has been beyond wonderful. 

I can already see in your personality this huge, huggable, loveable heart.  You are pretty much all grins except when you are tired or hungry.  Then you really let us know.  You worship your big brother, and your totally a momma's boy (yeah :) ).  Of course you love your daddy too (thats all you talk about...da da da da).  You've been so patient with us as we have had to spend a lot of time working with Owen this year.  God gives you what you can handle, and your sweet, relatively laid back demeanor is a blessing. 

We are so in love with you Levi, and you have been such a treasure for our family. 

Here are some picts of our morning at BounceU -

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