Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Leave the personal hygiene care for home.

This is scary....

"A new study published October 5, 2009 in the American Academy of Pediatrics' journal Pediatrics found a parent-reported autism prevalence rate of one in every 91 American children, including one in 58 boys. For more information, click here."

We just started Levi on whole milk.  We are going to watch him carefully, because we found out after letting Owen have dairy products for 2 years that he has an intolerance to it.  Who knows if that had anything to do with why he didn't talk for so long, but I'm not taking any chances.  Any signs of Levi loosing words or backsliding on milestones its bye-bye milk!  Formula is so dang expensive, and I'm looking forward to saving $20 a week!  :) 

I didn't post anything this weekend because we were so dang busy!  Boys at grandma and grandpa's and we rocked out getting stuff done around the house.  We started the weekend with a trip to our friend's house in O'Fallon.  Barclay and his friend Craig stayed up until 2 am drinking (and farting)....I swear they where like a couple of giddy school boys getting to stay up past their bedtime.  We spent the night and arrived home the next morning and got to work.  It is amazing how much one can get done without kids in tow.  We both fell exhausted into bed on Sat and Sun night. 

Barclay is going to Vegas this weekend, so its just me home alone with the boys.  I have lots of plans to get us out of the house, so hopefully everything will go smoothly....though Barclay is the one who gets up with Levi in the middle of the night if he needs it (yup, you read that right) so I might be in for a "rude awakening" :)

Oh, so exciting, Levi stacked 2 blocks today!!  He took the blocks and stacked one on top of the other...yeah Levi!  Only 1 more week till my baby turns 1...I'm gonna cry....he is so flippin' sweet. 

I keep forgetting to write this.  Please don't clip your fingernails at work, at least, not at your desk.  Its just-plain-gross.  Its the same as if I started picking my nose.  No, thats not meant for anyone I know that reads this...but just in case you are one of the people, stop.  Now you understand my title. 

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