Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nothaus Family Weekend

This has been a good family weekend.  Just a weekend without too much going on, but lovely in its simplicity. 

Friday night, Barclay and I put the boys to bed, ordered a pizza, and watched "The Soloist".  Movie was decent, a little slow in parts, pizza was great, and just being able to relax with my hubby was awesome.  We went down to the basement and I didn't worry that the dishes weren't done (sort of, okay, it was in the back of my mind but I was able to handle it :) ). 

Saturday morning, Barclay took the boys to Little Gym so Owen could do his gym class.  Almost every 3 year old boy is in soccer, but Owen loves gym (he is the only boy in the class).  I'll have to be careful as he grows up to make sure he is in activities that he likes to do, not because I think he should do them.  I want to expose him to a lot of different things, and let him decide what he likes (yes, I suppose I'll let him try baseball even though it is the most boring sport ON EARTH).  Anyway, it would be so easy for me to slip into this "well, all the other boys are doing soccer so that means he needs to as well".  It wouldn't be a good fit for him right now, and he is very happy with his gym class (did I mention he is the only boy?  see, I struggle even as I right this!  LOL  :) )

While the boys were doing that, I went to Forest Park for the Autism Speaks walk.  Thank you so much to all those who contributed to my team!  I was a team of 1, but I raised $1300!  That is so awesome, and I'm proud to have participated.  There was a great turnout.  Here is a pict of my little friend Kyah.  She took a pict of me too! 

Saturday afternoon, we took the boys to the park.  Both were uber cute and played for an hour/half on the playground.  It was so fun, and again, simple.  Just sitting watching them play on a beautiful day was pure joy. 

Saturday night, I went over to Kyah's house so her mom and dad (our family friends' Donnell and Tim) could go out for a much needed evening together...alone!  We are very fortunate to have Barclay's mom so that we can spend time together, and I so treasure that.  Tim and Donnell do not have family close and have to use all extra funds for Kyah's therapy and just basic living....I understand the importance of mental breaks so I was thrilled to help out.   (Just a side note to anyone reading this...if you know a family with special need children, or heck any children for that matter, and they don't have much of a support network, offer them a free evening of babysitting, you will feel great for doing it and they will appreciate you beyond words!)

And then this morning, we planned to go to church and then the pumpkin patch but neither happend.  Everyone was in a good mood and just content to stay in their PJs (I'm still in mine as I write this at 1:30 pm).  Barclay dug a ditch to stop the errosion in our back yard (great jub hunny, you can spend that $300 in Vegas! :) ). 

Now, everyone is sleeping and I'm is my relaxing activity, don't judge me! :)

(Some random is Owen helping daddy dig the ditch, Levi's 11 month picture, Owen's 3 year pict in the Farve jersey)

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