Saturday, October 3, 2009

"Stop talking with your mouth full"

I said that to Owen the other day.  If you have been following my blog or know anything about our journey with our little man, you can appreciate just how ironic that statement was.  Owen was eating, and talking so much and with a mouth full of food.  I was standing at the sink doing dishes, as soon as I said it I just stopped.  I wasn't scolding him, I just simply said it.  And then 3 year old is talking so much I told him to stop!!! May he was putting 2 words together.  His progress...well, its miraculous.  Early intervention is key!!!  For any parent who ignores warning signs with your kids, your only doing yourself and your child a disservice.  I'm not judging you, believe me, I did not want to accept that there was anything wrong with Owen.  But there was...and now....I'm not sure that anyone would be the wiser. 

Do other parents out there feel so incredibly disorganized?  I was such a put together person was always clean, every piece of mail neatly tucked away into a specific folder, pictures printed and placed in a photo album, weekly menus and shopping lists created every, I am happy if I can find a place to sit in the van (as the driver you can see how that might be important), mail is doing good to make it into the house (where it lands after that is anyone's guess), pictures from 2 years ago are still on our camera, and I do make a decent attempt at shopping lists every week (it does save $$).  I know its only going to get worse as the boys get older and get into sports.  I still after 3 years of having another human to take care of can't seem to get my organized-groove back.  Its really annoying. 

Barclay and I went to see the Australian Pink Floyd concert on Tuesday.  It was...amazing.  They sounded exactly like Pink Floyd!  If you are into their music, you must go to the concert.  I would have bet my house they where lip syncing, but they weren't!  A great show...and 3 hours long!!  Who plays music that long?  No one!  "Is there anybody out there?"....

Today I went to a kids consignment shop to get the boys some clothes.  There is a great shop in St. Louis that only accepts name brand, quality clothes.  I paid $5 for a brand new gymboree shirt...if you are a parent you know that is dirt cheap.  Unfortunately, Owen's hand-me-downs are not going to work for Levi.  "Little brother" is huge and the seasons are not matching up, so that means mommy has to shop....damn. 

We are getting ready to do what parents do on a weekend night after the kids go to bed.  Watch a movie and go to sleep.

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