Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend fun with Mommy

Another good day...though...Owen was a little more cranky today since he didn't have a nap yesterday.  He had to go to his room a couple of times, but nothing I couldn't handle. 

Owen slept until 6:20 am though...woo hoo!  (he gets up at 5 am regularly now...again.....ugh!!!)  We got up and went to church.  He wouldn't go pee at home, he screamed that he wanted to pee at church.  Okay, wasn't going to fight that battle. 

Got home and took Mason for a quick walk then ate lunch.  Then we went to his buddy Ryan's birthday party.  Had a good time there.  Got home and got him into bed about then he was so over-tired that he had a hard time going to sleep.  I painted our staircase while he slept (please don't ask why I choose this activity, I really have no idea...I thought it sounded good).  He got up about 4 and we took Mason for another walk, it started POURING down rain while we where walking.  It was good for him, rain never hurt anyone.  We got in the van to take my movie back to redbox (Confessions of a Shop-a-holic....please don't waste your $$), then Owen and I went out to dinner.  It was awesome!  Everyone was oooing and ahhhing over how cute he was, and he behaved so well! 

Then we got home and carved a pumpkin!  I'm not winning any awards anytime soon, but it was fun.  Owen watched Dinasour Train then it was time for bed. 

We've had a great weekend together.  I miss my Levi and hubby (although I'm quite annoyed with hubby right now...long story don't feel like writing about it...but he is in Vegas with his buddies, and, so the story goes...)

I'm off to bed at the ripe hour of 9 pm.  We have Owen's 4 hour long evaluation at Cardinal Glennon tomorrow.  I'm so excited for this apt....6 months waiting finally over!

Happy Birthday Ry-Ry!

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