Thursday, October 22, 2009

Batteries do not go in your butt

I seriously can't make this stuff up....

So, today, just another random day in the Nothaus family...only a little stranger, one that prepares me for life with boys.  Owen had 2 batteries in his hand (he likes to inspect things).  He was walking around, playing with these batteries, looking at them over and over.  I walked past him, and noticed only one battery.  I said "Owen, where is the other battery?"  He said "Owen put the battery in butt".  I said "Owen, batteries don't go in your butt, please take it out".  So, he unclenched and said battery came out. 

This, along with the fact that Owen likes to wear my shoes around with house and play with kitchen stuff has Barclay worried.  :-) 

Oh, life with boys...can't wait to see what else it brings! 

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