Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not what I wanted to hear

I've had to take a few days to process the info from Owen's appointment at Cardinal Glennon on Monday.  I really really was expecting them to look at me like I was crazy for bringing Owen to them, I wanted them to be mad at me for wasting their time, and for them to tell me that Owen was a perfectly normal 3 year old boy.  They didn't. 

Owen has made dramatic, miraculous improvements over the past several months.  Its been a combination of several things occuring...his therapy, his dietary changes, his supplements, his school, his mom getting a handle and not freaking out over everything, his dad getting on board that there was a problem, his grandparents being loving and supportive, and most importantly, our Lord watching over him. 

There are still some issues though.  They said that he has an average of a 20month development for several areas.  He was off the charts in some things (he can count to 60, knows his ABC, can spell his name, knows his months/days...) but way behind in other areas (even though he can count if you ask him "how many" he doesn't understand).  They said he does not have ADHD, but we need to watch for it in the future.  They highly recommended additional Occupational Therapy, which I've already set up.  We are getting a full report soon, and will return in December for another session.  The doctor said it is extremely possible for him to come off the Autism Spectrum in a year. 

So, I felt a little blue.  A little sorry for myself.  Then I walked through the hospital and saw several children in wheelchairs who couldn't even hold their head up.  My pitty party quickly ended. 

Its still a lot to digest though, about our little boy.

We are doing good, we will do everything we need to and ensure he gets the help he needs. 

Okay, enough about that.  Tomorrow is Levi's birthday!!!!!  We are doing a small gathering with Grandma and Grandpa on Saturday.  We are sure he will take his first step anyday now.  Won't that be fun if its on his birthday!?!

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