Saturday, November 21, 2009

A wreck today

We got rear-ended today.  Just minding our own business, sitting at a stop sign and bam!  A hit from behind.  I got out of the van to have a nice conversation with the driver (who are we kidding, I was ready to kick some tail).  I walked to the car with a WTF look on my face, then saw the driver.  He was a 16/17 year old kid and was clearly scared to death.  My first thought was that he took the car without his parent's permission, but then he called his dad and just started to saying "I'm so sorry".  I felt bad for him.  It was an honest mistake, one that any of us could make as we text and talk on our cell phones all the time while driving.  Luckily, its just minimal damage to our van.  I talked to the kids dad on the phone and he asked if it was really his son's fault.  I was like "well, I was sitting at a stop sign and got rear-ended..pretty cut and dry". 

We have a few rough nights with Levi last week.  Two nights he was up all night screaming.  That honestly makes me re-think the whole idea of more babies...I'm too old for that stuff!  I felt like I was walking through water on Friday, I was so tired!  I took him to the doc and he had a double ear infection, better that then the flu.  The antibiotics are already helping I think.  He slept well last night and seemed in better spirits today.  My throat is starting to hurt so I really hope I'm not getting sick now! 

Well, Tuesday is my birthday.  I went to a work happy hour on Friday and a guy I work with guessed my age as 35.  Men, never ever try to guess a woman's age.  NEVER.  Just say 25.  I don't care if she looks 80.  Unless of course the woman really looks 25 then guess 18.  And if she looks 18, then you really shouldn't even be talking to her cause that is getting into dangerous territory.  Okay, back to me.  I'm not going to be I?  I seriously forget how old I am sometimes!  Sad!  No, only 34. 

I'm so excited for Christmas.  I really hope Owen is into presents this year...though I'm into presents enough for all of us!

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