Sunday, November 15, 2009

Damn you facebook

So I had a facebook account about a year ago.  I deactivated it because I couldn't handle the flood of memories and feelings that resulted in seeing all these people I went to high school with.  I was not exactly popular and high school was pretty much torture for me.  (It still strikes me as ironic that I married a guy who was one of the most popular in his school and star of his team's state winning football team).  There are lots of reasons I did not have many, I'm sorry I mean ANY good friends in HS....I've gone through hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars of therapy to finally "get over" it.  Well, my loving husband took me back to where I went to high school earlier this year and I felt a release of all this anger and saddness of not having the happy-go-lucky, fun, exciting school experience that every child deserves.  And now, its just a part of my history, something that cultivated and made me who I am today...and I've turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.  Now I have the most wonderful friends who I appreciate more than words can say.  So why am I mad at facebook?  Because I felt "healthy" enough to re-activate my account last week....and I was happy to see several old faces and see where life has taken them over the was so interesting to look at reconnect with people and not feel any bitterness....and all of this wasted probably about 30 hours of my time :-)  Facebook is a black hole, you log on to "just take a peek" and 2 hours later you've wasted precious nap time in front of the computer!!

A little funny bit about Owen...last night daddy was putting him to bed and he said "daddy can you get the clippers and clip the nail from my big toe?".  O-M-G...I mean seriously, this is the kid who didn't talk in May, and now he is so specific that he gives daddy grooming orders.  Love it.

Okay, gotta go.  I feel facebook withdrawl.

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