Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Can't think of a title

Wow, I can't believe it has been a week since I have posted anything. A lot has happened this past week. We have gotten right back into a nice routine since returning from vacation. I usually have bad post-vacation depression, but I haven't this time. I am glad to be home and back to the daily routine of our lives. I've been feeling so thankful for the little things in our lives lately. I've been "stopping to smell the roses". I think it has a lot with Owen doing so much better. And he IS doing phenomenal! We went to the park today and he literally talked the entire way there. He was saying meaningful, relevant sentences. This is the same boy who would only put 2 words together at the beginning of the summer. He loves school, and I think he is really thriving on the whole routine aspect.

Levi is doing good too, boy does he know what he wants though! He was drinking his bottle today, and when it came to the end he threw it across the room and starting screaming! It was so funny...he was so mad! (its funny for a 10 month old, not a 3 year old). He is pointing at things, and loves playing with Owen. Oh, and today he imitated me clapping 2 blocks together. Its so amazing to see a baby start to just come alive in front of you, to stop being just a human being and really come alive.

We went to the park today and all played on the slides. Owen would tell me what slide to go down with Levi. When we got home, he told daddy "mommy go on pink slide, I go on green slide". So he was totally able to recollect what he did earlier in the day.

Hmmm...anything else going on? I feel like there is so much, like time just goes by in a blink of an eye. Our housecleaner comes every 2 weeks, and every time, without fail, Barclay says "wasn't she just here?". Does anyone else feel just utterly exhausted at the end of the day? By 9 pm, its difficult to force my body to move. I have been getting up in the morning to work out, though I need to work out more cause I gained 4 lbs on vacation! That put me back on my weight watcher goal, hopefully I can loose it all this week!

I'm very tired, I have to go to bed, sorry I don't have more interested things to write about. I did 5 loads of laundry today if you are interested in that....

Oh, thanks for the killer pot roast grandma.....yuuuuuuumy!

Oh, last thing. Charter came today to install HD :-)

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