Thursday, September 10, 2009

We are home...

A quick congrats to my good friend Aimee Musil...she has welcomed little Miss Abby, born 9/8. Congrats Aimee, John, and big brother Ryan!! Yeah babies!

Back to the real world! We are home from an awesome vacation. The 1st couple of days were a little suspect...the clientele a little questionable and a TON of kids. We either drank too much to notice after awhile or people cleared out after a couple of days. We actually came back refreshed and relaxed, when does that ever happen on vacation??

Today we had an apt with a DAN doctor (Defeat Autism Now) for Owen. It went great! We talked to the doctor for 2 hours! She was so kind, understanding, and knowledgeable. She did some initial tests on Owen and he showed severe sensitivities to gluten, casein, and...chocolate! So we are totally on the right track with the GFCF diet, but poor we have to cut out chocolate! He has been talking so much, today I asked for one of his french fries, and he responded "Whats the magic word??"! LOL He seems less toddler and more little boy now. I'm so proud of him! I did almost have to beat down a 10 year old though...before the apt I was sitting in the waiting room. Daddy was in the lobby walking with Owen up and down the stairs. He just kept going up-down-up-down...this little girl walked in petting her fake cat and sat down. She told her mom "that little boy in the lobby is wierd...". The mom just rolled her eyes at me, and said nothing. Of course, my mama bear wanted to come out and say something like "really? why dont you go back to petting your fake black cat".

Levi has all of a sudden just exploded with cool new tricks! He does "so big" (raises arms up), waves, shakes head to no-no-no, crawls like a madman, pulls himself up on everything, and does the "elephant walk". He still pretty much says "dada" all the time :-)

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