Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bye Bye Pear Tree

We had our pear tree in the front yard cut down today. As much as I bitched about the thing, I'm kinda sad it is gone. It was a nice tree, but man those pears everywhere in the front were so flippin annoying. So many ants and rodents as a result. Plus, now we have more light coming into our house. It just seems so empty out front. Here is a before and after shot.

Today I went to a special needs fair. I wanted to hear a DAN (defeat autism now) doc speak and I'm really glad I went. At first, I was kinda annoyed. It was like a used car lot with sales people trying to sell something at every corner. Everything from theraputic hot tubes (will insurance pay for that?? :) ) to a new bath tub. I still don't really understand why the bath tub people where there. There was a booth with reps from Washington University, so I talked with them for awhile and that was cool. The conference with the DAN doc, Amy Davis, was awesome. She spoke about nutrition and how a lot of what we are is correlated to what we put into our bodies. Now, I love processed food just as much as the next person, but I'm definately more and more into health food for our family. Sure, it costs a little (okay, a lot) more, but in the long run I think it will actually be cheaper as we will be healthier. She has an autistic son so all of this is personal for her.

When I was listening to her talk, I had an ah-ha moment. Owen has been "stimming" a lot this week and acting really wierd at points (lots of toe walking, and sensory seeking behavior). He is on the GFCF diet so of course we wonder what we fed him accidentally. We couldn't think of anything, and during the presentation the doc was talking about chlorine in our water. HELLO, we have been swimming 4 times this week and I had a mental vision of Owen drinking water at the water parks. So, I wonder if there is something to that. Who knows, I have a tendancy to second guess myself all the time.

I asked Barclay if there is anything else I should report and he mentioned all of the things he has done today so I guess I'll put it in here: babyproofing (gates), cleaned kitchen, made Owen some GFCF bread, built a fort for Owen, and now is making his super yummy steaks. Yes hun, you rule.

Here are some recent (i.e. 5 min ago) shots of us and the boys.

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