Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Busy days

We've had a very busy past few days...

Owen had his 3 year check up on Thursday. He weighs 33 lbs and is 37 inches tall. The checkup went pretty well, if you consider a complete meltdown in the exam room going well. Owen was just hungry, so I knew it would come and wasn't surprised when it did. The doc was surprised though! See, I had been in her office before concerned about his tantrums. But, the tantrums back then were on a completely different level and most of the time I had no idea where it was coming from. When I was in her office before, she said he was being a typical boy with a lot of energy. So, when he actually showed her what he's got, she was a little taken aback. She looked at me and said "wow" and I just looked her like "what, this? this is nothing!". I'm so used to it now. Owen calmed eventually and we got through the exam. I was kinda glad he threw the fit so she at least knew where I was coming from. After the doc apt we went to Burger King to get lunch. Owen played on the outside equipment, it was a beautiful day! Then, we went to his dentist appointment. I was nervous when they said he would go in by himself to see the dentist, I wasn't sure how it would go. But, he did great!! We've been doing a lot of reading about the dentist and he was excited to go. His teeth looked good.

Friday we went to our friend Heather's house for a playdate. All the kids that morning were in cranky moods. Owen was looking forward to playing with Brady, but he kept pushing him! (Owen pushes everyone now, not sure where that is coming from!) Brady, his little sister Lauren, and Levi all were a little cranky...must have been something in the air. As we were leaving, Owen threw a huge fit (surprise) and I had to hold him down to get him strapped in the car seat. Such a fabulous way to leave a friend's house....want us to come back next week Heather??? :-) Friday night we went out to Chuck E Cheese! Woo hoo! Heather inspired me to go out to dinner with the fam...she had just taken hers on an outing and I wanted to be a big copycat. Owen did great!!! He got a little cranky towards the end, but he was just having fun and didn't eat and got cranky.

At this point, I feel like one of those really annoying moms who does nothing but talk about her kids...and then he did this, and this, and this...

So I'll do it some more....

Levi stood today on his own for a few seconds! He went to a parents day out for a couple of hours last week and the teachers there thought he was advanced! Yeah! Not because I think Levi is advanced, but (read earlier post) I was a little worried about his development. He is clapping now on cue and giving me kisses. He isn't cruising yet, but I think that will come very soon.

A quick congrats to my friend Jayna and her hubby Eric and daughter Amelia. They just added a new baby girl, Kaelyn! Congrats!

I need to close and go back to packing...Barclay and I leave for Jamaica in 4 days!!

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