Wednesday, August 26, 2009

He Said - She Said

Her Side (as dictated by Suzy):

So Barclay is annoyed with me. Its not the first and certainly won't be the last time. He calls me from Charter (cable company) store to say that because the cable is in my name, I have to give them permission to add HDTV to our service. I ask why we are adding HDTV, and he said well, because we got an High Def TV. I said well, we discussed the TV, but we didn't discuss getting extra cable service. He said, why would we get a High Def TV without the extra service, and besides we DID discuss it. I ask when, exactly, and he said that he asked how much extra the service was going to be and I told him $10. So, anyone following this??? He asked me a question, I answered, and somehow that constituted agreement for said service. Anyway, I feel bad now because he was having this conversation on the phone at the store with this service agent staring at him. We did not get the service.

His Side (as dictated by Barclay):
First of all, I was annoyed with Charter for saying I needed permission to begin with. I said, "can't you just look at the address on my license and compare it to the bill. Or how about you look at the name on the automatic bill payment every month...That's right its me!" The lady informed me of the new policy. So I thought, "no big deal". Whipped out the iPhone, dialed home with a confident swagger in my voice....
ME: "Honey, I'm at Charter and they won't let me add the high-def service because your name is on the account and not mine." Suzy: "What high-def service? What are you talking about? I'm confused.".
ME: (I hold up the universal, one minute please to the Charter lady as I continue to talk). "The $10 a month High Def service to go with the new High Def TV we bought."
Suzy: "We haven't discussed this. Why do we need it?"
ME: "Ummm, that's kinda the point of High Def. What's the point of having high def if we can't see the pimples on Oprah's third chin?"
Suzy: "I think we need to discuss it more."
ME: "Fine."

I hang up and look at the Charter lady, with a pitiful look. She of course apologizes for the policy. I inform her it's not her fault, and maybe someday, I'll be able to spend $10 a month without asking for permission. So I sulk out the door and head home, reminiscing of the days back when I used to have balls.

1 comment:

  1. When does he get his balls back? I guess that will be an extra $120 he gets to spend in Vegas with me :-)

    Hope all is well.

