Sunday, August 16, 2009

What the #$%^?

Okay, before I write this post, and who knows if I will even post it, here is something to know about me. I tend to be slightly dramatic. My intent of this blog is to be as real as possible with the happenings of our family. That means, its not all picture perfect and puppy dog tails. I'm no where near a perfect, slightly perfect, near perfect mom....maybe mediorce. If you could study for parenthood by golly I would have an A+. I've read just about every parenting book there is, which has gotten me into trouble on several occasions. So, for all family who is reading this, please don't be alarmed at my candor.

What the *(#$ is up today???? It is the day after Owen's bday, and there are new toys and presents galore, and he is being a whiny boy. Barclay is currently scolding Owen for something for the millionth time today and I'm typing on the computer because I don't want to be around him right now. Levi is upstairs crying, the little guy has pooping issues and needs to go to sleep because he has only slept 45 min today. Needless to say, its chaos here today.

Yesterday, Owen's actually bday, went very well. He had a good time at his party, and played with his little friends. Brady arrived and he said "Hi Brady". We didn't open presents because that morning, Barclay and tried to give him our presents and he wouldn't open them, maybe its a sensory thing.

I think its because I have this expectation of how Owen should be. When he walked down the stairs and saw a million presents at the foot of the stairs, he should have done a swan dive into them like any red blooded (or at least a child with my blood) 3 year old, right? So, then I get upset because he's not into the presents...or the Thomas Bike we got for him, even though Barclay warned me that Owen was too young for the bike but I didn't listen and got it anyway....I hate it when he is right. So, Owen is playing with a pooh phone from some garage sale years ago. And Levi is still crying upstairs.

Vodka anyone???

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