Monday, August 10, 2009

I finally did it!

I got my butt outa bed at 5 am this morning to work out! I did a spin class at Golds...I'm pretty sure the spin instructor thought I was there to train for the navy seals or something. I just wanted a good workout, not to swim in my own sweat. Well, I burned a lot of calories anyway.

Today I worked. I work Mon/Tues at Scottrade, I love my job. It is a fabulous balance between being a mommy and having my own time. Work is a part of my identity. Plus, the extra $$ doesn't hurt. The boys are at Grandma/Grandpa. I have fabulous in-laws who love our boys to pieces. Barclay talked to Grandma and she reported that Owen's cousins came over and he actually played with them quite a bit...yeah!

I have a question...just how many freaking clothes can 2 kids under 30 lbs go through?! I do a load of laundry almost every day, and I can never seem to catch up. As soon as I think I have it all, bam!, there is a dirty onesie. My friend Mindy said she does laundry every 2 weeks, I have no idea how that is accomplished.

Barclay and I had date night tonight. Monday isn't very sexy for a date night, but we are thankful for it nonetheless. We got our monthly massage and then went out to dinner. Yes, we get a massage once a month. I think its important to take care of your body, mind, spirit. And my spirit is soothed by a massage :-) Its actually quite reasonable through massage envy.

I'm off to watch Kate minus John plus eight. I've been watching that show for a long time, and I'm addicted even though I shouldn't give them the time of day. At first, I felt sorry for John, cause Kate can be a overbearing bitch, but his behavior as of late makes me ill. But I'll keep watching, cause even though I am a control freak, Kate is 1000X worse and makes me feel better about myself :-)

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