Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Owen!

Happy birthday my sweet Owen! You are 3 years old today! I really hope you enjoy your birthday. You get to have a party at Whittle Train station with lots of your playdate friends. You have so many people who care for you and cherish you. You are such a joy to be around. Our road together hasn't always been easy. Daddy says we are like "oil and oil". We are so much alike, and sometimes that gets us into trouble with each other. We are both very active, opinionated, stubborn, strong willed, independent, confrontational, and once we get an idea in our head, we can't let it go. Those traits don't always go well together with 2 people in the same house. And even though I pull my hair out sometimes, I'm glad you have those qualities. Because I know you will never let anyone or anything get you down. You will conquer everything you set your mind to. You are a fighter. Your name even means Warrior, and its so fitting. With all these type-A traits also comes this big heart and a killer smile. You can melt anyone with those sparkling blue eyes. When you run up to me smiling and laughing and throw your arms around me I could die right then a happy person. Gosh, sometimes I wish for you to be older so that its not "so much work", but I don't want that either. I love your innocence, your energy, your pure joy. I love you sweet boy, more than I could ever put into words.

Happy Birthday.

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