Friday, August 7, 2009

Gentleman, leave the speedos at home!

Owen had swimming lessons this morning, so off we went to the pool. From 10 - 10:30 he is supposed to do the teacher led lesson. Well, maybe he would if there wasn't TEN little kids and TWO instructors. He kept walking off, and I don't blame him cause it looks more and more boring each week. Owen is going to be a bad influence on kids. Yes, I'm going to have that kid that when you ask your son why he jumped off the highest part of the slide, well, "because Owen did it...". So Owen wouldn't stay on the wall, and as a result several other boys followed suit. Swimming lessons end and Owen and I went outside to for Toddler play time. Nothing spectacular there. The speedo incident happened when we came inside. There is a lap swimming pool, and Owen wanted to sit and watch the swimmers. So we did. Then, an old man in the shortest speedos came walking over. Men, do not, under any circumstances wear speedos (unless you are built like Micheal Phelps, then maybe it is okay). Yeah, I get that they are supposed to help you swim faster and all that. But, again, unless you are Micheal Phelps does it really matter that normal swim trunks will slow you down a minisule of a second? The really REALLY funny part is that Owen looks up at this man and says "Daddy?". I'm laughing again just thinking of it. I almost choked. First of all, that Barclay would ever be caught dead wearing them, Secondo of all, picturing my husband wearing them. No, thats not nice to say, but its damn funny!! (You think so too right hunny?).

Its only 2:30 and I'm exhausted. This is our day so far: Golds Gym at 8 am (note that the kids club workers commented that Owen "kept to himself and kinda zoned out the whole time", ugh, not good, but he seemed to come out of it as soon as we left), swimming lessons at 10, Toddler swim time at 10:30, home for lunch and some more outside play, got boys ready for 12:30 nap, tried to calm Owen out of huge trantum before bed, met with Owen's speech therapist at 1, called Owen's special school district to set up apt for open house, very quick shower, and now Levi is awake from Nap. And its only 2:30.

I just asked Levi to say mama and he answered with DaDa. And a big toot.

Happy Birthday Aimee!

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