Thursday, August 6, 2009

My first ever blog

I'm trying this blogging business. I'm so out of synch with the times; I've turned into one of those people that used to annoy me as a kid (what do you mean you don't know who Madonna is? Come on Grandma, its a CD, it plays music...whats so hard to understand?). Yeah, as I am still trying to figure out the IPOD feature on my Iphone, and I still don't get what Itunes is. Anyway, the point is I don't really get the whole blogging thing. But, I'm trying it out. I want a way to keep people updated on my (our) lives and a way to document all the cool and not-so-cool happenings with our kiddos. The time is going so fast, that it is going to slip away and I won't remember a thing. Maybe if I blog, I'll actually have something to reference to remember when Levi first pulled himself up (today!).

I'm going to try to keep this updated daily. Just like I said I would get up every morning at 5 am and run (ha ha, yet to do that...). I'm honored if you take time out of your busy schedule to read this, but just know that I'm not one of those witty writers (bloggers??) you hear mentioned. I'm pretty boring, a bad speller, and even worse at grammer.

Just to bring everyone up to speed (good lord, did I really just say that...I'm sure my work jargon will come out more than once); anyway, Owen is almost 3 years old (Aug 15th) and Levi is a little over 9 months. Owen has some developmental delays and we've had a very busy summer getting him speech and occupational therapy. He has made dramatic improvements. He is now potty trained and talks in senatnces. At the beginning of the summer, he was literally bouncing off walls, wouldn't make much eye contact, and was doing good to put 2 words together. Today, he said "Hey Mommy, I want to go under the rainbow". The rainbow is a spray water park thing by our house. So, I packed up both boys and we headed to the rainbow. Can I say how exhausting it is to watch 2 boys at a water park alone? It is. Anyway, Owen has good and bad days, just like we all do. But, for the most part he is doing really well. I'm so proud of him. I was putting him to bed the other night and he layed his head on my shoulder while I read to him and my heart wanted to burst with love. (1 minute later he got up and sat his butt on my face and laughed, but thats beside the point). Levi is precious. He is a very happy baby. He absolutely LOVES Owen. Owen walks up the stairs and Levi laughs. Its is so fun to watch. He is doing a military style crawl but not 'offically' crawling yet. He is drinking from a sippy cup, and says "Dada" all day. Oh, and now he pulls himself up. He basically just sits all day and smiles. As long as he is fed he is happy. (As a reminder, he was over 9lbs when born and hasn't looked back since!). He isn't the best overnight sleeper. Takes great naps, but still gets up now and then throughout the night. Barclay is the one who gets up with him 99.9% of the time, so I can't really complain (see I am giving you credit babe). I'm not a good night time mommy. I really REALLY like to sleep. Right now its 9:34 and I'm tired. So, I think I'm done for the evening.

Here it is, my first blog.

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