Thursday, August 13, 2009

I worry...

I'm sitting here with a pit in my stomach. Because I don't have enough to worry about, I'm now a little concerned about Levi. I just read a friend's blog whose baby is one month younger than Levi, and he is pulling up on everything, cruising, waving, blowing kisses...Levi is doing none of those things. Well, he is starting to pull up now, but doesn't seem all that interested in it. He is starting to crawl a little more, but still mainly does the military scoot. He is starting to do mamamama now....please please let everything be okay with Levi. I want to cry. I asked the speech therapist yesterday if I had anything to worry about, and she said no. She mentioned to have his ped look to see if he has hip dysplasia (sp?) cause he is only scooting with this right leg. I'm just being paranoid and oversensitive, right?? I started to get worried about Levi when at his last ped visit, she went over a developmental milestone checklist and I answered 'No' to just about everything (crawling, waving, claping, pulling up). She said to call if he wasn't doing those things in 6 weeks. I just need to put Levi on a performance development plan! ha!

Today has been another good day though. Both boys in very good spirits. Owen had My Gym camp this morning for 3 hours, then his last visit with the OT. She was another huge help in our lives. The first time she came, Owen went and sat on her lap. That was nuts because he never even sat on our laps! It was like he knew she was gonna "get" him. She has taught us a lot about his sensory seeking behaviors. Things that used to bug the crap outa me now make sense.

Yesterday afternoon, Owen and Levi played outside in the "water park" and rocket are some picts

OMG - I can't believe it took me this long to bring this up....on the front cover of the Post Dispatch this morning was an article on Autism Insurance coverage (here is a link to the article):

It makes my blood boil that insurance companies can mandate what they feel is "insurable". From what I understand, companies do not think autism is "curable" so they don't want to spend $$ on its treatment. The last time I checked (and I just googled to make sure this is accurate) there is no cure for do insurance companies deny coverage for chemo? And another thing, insurance will cover the cost for gastic bypass surgery.... (okay, I need to stop now because I don't have think enough skin for hate mail :-) ).

Thanks for the e-card hunny, that was very sweet :-)

1 comment:

  1. Mom says not to worry, Levi is fine. Chris and David were both in early child hood; some kids are just slower than other. She also wants to know if you have taken him to an early childhood assessment.
