Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just some stuff

Owen is learning how to use the computer. That is good and bad. Good, because surely he is a genius if he knows how to use the computer at 3 years old right? (joking), bad because he is doing things to our computer that we don't know how to undue. Case in point, he somehow changed a setting on the Internet so I couldn't get to blogspot to create my post, and, yesterday, I happen to look at the computer screen to see an error message "Now erasing your hard drive". It was slow motion as I ran to the computer, the computer was talking to me like that movie War Games ("do you want to play a you want me to erase all your data because your stupid ass left your 3 year old on the computer by himself?"). I think I clicked some button moments before it initiated. To my knowledge, all is well.

So, my husband just looked at my twitter account is now concerned about my "part-time" job. Apparently, I have quite a few followers from not-so-Christian like person had a status of, well, let me just say "love you long time" is putting it nicely.

Okay, so today went well. Levi is over his pooping issues from the other day and was very regular today. Those with little ones know how very important this is. We played ball today, sat on the ground and rolled a ball back and forth. Did I mention before that he said Ball?? Last week he did, it was so awesome! Owen didn't say ball until over 18 mo old. Levi also looks like he is starting to wave and "roll 'em up". My performance development plan is working!

Owen did well at school again. His teachers describe him as very sweet. He is such an Eddie Haskle (Leave it to Beaver), we got home and he didn't want to come inside to I bribed him with a treat. Then he didn't want to go upstairs after lunch so I bribed him with a treat. (notice a trend?). He ended up pooping right after I left him in his room for nap, decided to take off his pants and sit on his chair...and then apparently do some acrabats in said chair. So I got to clean ground in poop off his chair today, good times...good times....

So, I'm on weight watchers and doing fabulous! I have lost 11 lbs so far and today I had my body fat re-tested and I've lost 4% body fat! I'm feeling great and love the program. If you stick to the points, it really does work!

I bought 5 power ball tickets tonight. If we win, you probably won't hear from me for awhile as I will be searching for my own private island to buy.

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