Friday, August 21, 2009

Levi fell in the toilet

Got your attention? Here is an actual rending of a morning-in-the-life of the Nothaus family. All events are true and factual

-Got up 5 am and went to gym
-Got home from gym in a fabulous mood. Bright, sunny, crisp, cool, morning.
-Got both boys ready to leave for 8 am doc apt across town
-Put boys in van, yelled at Owen because he wouldn't sit in the car seat (good mood over)
-Started drive across town in awful traffic. Wondered why in the hell I made an 8 am apt for Owen.
-Levi starts crying. Doesn't stop entire car ride
-Cursed and moaned that we would be late for 8 am apt even though the doc office is never on time.
-Arrive at doctor office, taking 10 minutes to unpack boys and all their crap
-Race to elevator. Owen screaming "Owen push button"
-Let Owen push button once inside the elevator, pushes button for 3 different floors
-Get off elevator, race to doc office. Doctor is actually standing there waiting for us. I feel like an ass.
-Doc does hearing test. Owen doesn't pass, told we have to come back in 1-2 months. Sends us upstairs for another doctor.
-Go to elevator. Owen screaming "Owen push button"
-Let Owen push button once inside the elevator, pushes button for 4 different floors (nope, didn't learn my lesson the first time)
-Levi gets tired and starts fussing
-Arrive at other doctor apt waiting room
-Receptionist hands me 5 pieces of paper to fill out. Trying to fill out while Levi is fussy and Owen trying to run out the door.
-Owen says, "Go Pee".
-Got to restroom. Put Levi on floor in stall. Help Owen with his pants. Levi crawls under stall door. Hear big splash. Run into other stall, Levi pulled himself up and fell in toilet.
-Owen flushes toilet for 50th time. Run back in other stall. Owen has taken toilet paper roll from stall and put in toilet and flushing it watching it unroll.
-Take boys over to sink to clean them up
-Go back to waiting room. Smash Levi's hand in door when trying to fit stroller through it. Levi starts screaming.
-Receptionist tells me I forgot to fill out a piece of paperwork.
-Get called into tiny waiting room. Owen starts repeating "that one" and Levi starts screaming again.
-Yell at Owen to stop saying "that one"
-Ignore "No Food" sign on door and break out treats.
-Levi dumps treats all over floor
-Owen starts screaming
-Wonder briefly how inappropriate it would be to put duck tape over Owen's mouth
-Doc comes in, gives me a dirty look
-Doc checks out Owen, says ears are fine, make an apt for 9 months
-Notice that no one makes eye contact with me as I am leaving the office

And that was all before 9 am....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I didn't realize all this other stuff that happened! I don't think you mentioned the Levi falling in the toilet part! Kudos to you for making it through the day!
